Thursday, September 23, 2010

September 23, 2010

I am so proud of the girls! We worked on a few different things this week but really focused on kicking the ball and getting some power behind it. The girls have been very receptive and they really made a lot of progress. We'll continue to work on this and we'll probably work on some of the more technical things this coming week, such as throw-ins and self placement, off the ball, on offence and defense. 

Ice Cream Cones - I promised the girls ice cream cones. If it's okay with everyone, I want to shave 15 minutes off of one of our upcoming practices for a quick run  to Top Burger for ice cream. I'll follow up with you on that.

Game Time - our game this week is at 9am on field #6. The Allen family is in charge of the snack for this Saturday.

Pictures - I see lots of pictures being taken but I haven't received many. Please keep forwarding pictures to me. I'd like to post some on the blog and start a collection for the end of year slideshow.

One of the girls on our team is allergic to nuts. Please consider this when buying snacks for the team. We'd also like to keep the snacks somewhat healthy if possible. 

Shawn Cahill - thank you for your continued help with the team. Shawn stepped in on Tuesday while I was resting after a sleepless night at the hospital with my son. 

Thanks for your help and support!
Ben Yung

Friday, September 17, 2010

Pictures - Saturday, September 18th at 9:45am @ Crown Park

Our team picture is tomorrow morning at 9:45am at Crown Park! Please let me know ASAP if you can't make it for some reason. I asked around at our last practice and it sounds like everyone that was at the practice is available this Saturday. Please find the order form attached to the email I just sent out to everyone and let me know if you have any difficulty opening it. They have asked that we have the forms filled out and ready to go with a check if you are ordering pictures. I tried to get us in before the game so we're not all wet and sweaty. 

Our game is at 11am at field 6 again this week. They are asking for parent volunteers to ref the games instead of having the coaches do it. Please let me know if you'd like to volunteer. Also, if you haven't yet turned your sportsmanship and medical release forms in - please bring them to Crown Park and give them to me prior to the game. I'm still missing a couple!

We'll see you tomorrow morning (9/18) at 9:45am!

Ben Yung

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

cid:image003.png@01CB5E25.67B97780Triumph - September 7th, 2010
We're planning on practicing tomorrow, rain or shine. We'll be scrimmaging in preparation of our first game, coming up this Saturday, September 11th, at 11am. If your daughter can't make Tuesday or Wednesday's practice, please let me know ahead of time so we can prepare for it. I'm hoping to have all six girls at both practices. 

I've posted a link to our game schedule on the triumphsoccer blog at There is one day where we have a  double header. I'll make sure to remind everyone the week before but please be sure to add that to your calendar. Also, please become a follower of our blog so you can receive email updates when something is posted. We're going to be posting pictures and news at they come in. Also, please keep the pictures coming. We'll use them for our blog and also for a slideshow at the end of the year if I can find the time to put it together. :-)

The Parman's have emailed everyone a snack schedule. Please plan on bringing a snack and a drink on your scheduled day. If for some reason you can't bring a snack on your day, please trade days with someone else, ahead of time, and notify the Parman family so they are aware of the change. If, for some reason, you can't bring a snack this year, please let me know and we'll work it. 

Uniforms - if you haven't purchased one yet, please do it this week because our first game is this Saturday. 

We're going to continue to practice on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 5:30pm at Doc Harris. We'll keep this schedule as long as the daylight allows.

We'll see you all tomorrow,
Ben Yung

Monday, September 6, 2010

If you can't beat the sprinklers, join em!

August 31st will probably go down as the funnest practice of all time. The sprinklers came on twice, causing everyone to run for their lives! Since there wasn't any room left on the field for us to practice, we decided to make the best of the situation and join the sprinklers on the field. A special thanks to the Parman family for sending this photo in with a few others. Please keep them coming. I'll try to get more posted soon.